Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Difference between Male and Female Hair Transplant

A surgeon makes different surgery plans for different gender. A plan that is acceptable for a man might not acceptable for a woman. You should always pick the best Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai, if you want to get individualized surgery plans and customized treatment for hair loss. There are some common differences which you need to understand.

Pattern hair loss:
First difference is in the pattern of hair loss. Male pattern hair loss is quite clearer than women’s pattern hair loss. Mostly women pattern hair loss takes "Christmas Tree" shape or sometimes it is temporal hair loss above forehead and near ears.

Hair Characteristics:
It is a fact that characteristics of women's hair are different from that of men. A woman hair has low density and small caliber while a man hair has high density and thickness. Therefore, a surgeon makes different plans for both genders.  A surgeon picks different quality hair for men than women. When it comes to acceptable density level for men and women, then women expect more density of hair than men.

Cultural influence:
It is a fact that a woman has high cultural influence than man to restore his bald patches, female pattern baldness and bald spots. Baldness is acceptable in men to some extent but it is completely unacceptable for women. When a surgeon asks for expectations then a man might not insist on high density as his main goal is to make cosmetic improvements in his personality. But this case is completely changed with women. They need both cosmetic improvements and high density from an FUE or FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai.

Shock Loss:

This postoperative situation is faced by both men and women. But this situation is more common in women. They lost some of transplanted hair during post-operative phase.


  1. If you are you looking for the best Female hair Restoration in Dubai then you must visit our website.

  2. There are different methods of hair transplantation to get our hair back. And fue is the latest method which was really famous and to know FUE hair transplant you can get in here.

  3. Really nice information, such a great article. Thanks for sharing with us. Hair transplant in islamabad
