Friday, 28 October 2016

Why women notice male Pattern Very Late

It happens many times that a woman is suffering from androgenetic alopecia but she doesn’t know anything about it until it is too late. There are many reasons behind late diagnosis of Alopecia in women. Check some common reasons below.

Baldness is not for Women
Mostly, people think that a man can suffer from baldness problem and this problem is not for women. It is completely wrong perspective. Fact is that both men and women suffer from baldness but women baldness starts from hair thinning issue.

Hair loss is Temporary
When women start losing hair then they have a lot of reasons to justify this loss. Pregnancy, stress, chemical products, hair treatments, etc seems like the best reasons to keep yourself satisfied that you are suffering from a temporary hair loss. But there is a possibility that this loss is not temporary but progressive. So, it is always suggested to visit nearest Female Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai and plan a scalp examination session with an expert dermatologist. It is possible that you are suffering of some disease or simply androgenetic alopecia. So, what is important is a checkup.

Scalp Examination is not a Part of Physical examination
Women opt for regular check up time to time. But she never knew about female pattern baldness because her physician doesn’t perform proper scalp examination. It is perceived that baldness or bald patches are not among women’s problem.

It should not be like that, if you want to avoid permanent hair loss or pattern baldness then you should go for scalp examination especially. When you start seeing hair everywhere such as on comb, pillows, in washroom, bedroom and other places and with large numbers then you should immediately plan your medical checkup. You might need to go for a Hair Transplant in Dubai and this is only being clear through examination.

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