Monday 25 March 2024

What is The Timeline of Crown Hair Transplant?

The timeline of a crown hair transplant can vary slightly depending on individual factors such as the extent of hair loss, the chosen surgical technique, and the rate of healing. However, here's a general timeline you can expect:

Consultation: This is the initial phase where you meet with a hair transplant surgeon in Islamabad to discuss your goals, assess your candidacy for the procedure, and plan the treatment.

Pre-operative Preparation: Before the surgery, you may be advised to avoid certain medications or habits that could interfere with the procedure or the healing process.

crown hair transplant Islamabad

Surgery Day: On the day of the surgery, the transplant procedure will typically take several hours. The surgeon will harvest donor hair follicles, usually from the back or sides of the scalp, and transplant them into the crown area where hair loss has occurred.

Immediate Post-op Period (Day 1-7): Following the surgery, you'll likely experience some swelling, redness, and discomfort in the donor and recipient areas. You'll be provided with post-operative care instructions, including how to clean and care for the transplant site.

Initial Healing (Weeks 1-2): During this time, the transplanted hair follicles will enter a resting phase, and the initial scabbing and crusts may form around the grafts. It's crucial to follow the post-operative care instructions to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of complications.

Early Growth Phase (Weeks 3-12): Around the third week after the procedure, you may start to notice some shedding of the transplanted hairs. This is a normal part of the process as the hair follicles enter a dormant phase before new growth begins. Over the next several weeks to months, new hair growth will gradually emerge from the transplanted follicles.

Maturation of Results (Months 3-12): By the third month post-surgery, you should start to see noticeable improvements in hair density and coverage in the crown area. However, it's essential to be patient as the full results of the transplant may take up to 12 months to become apparent.

Long-term Follow-up (Beyond 12 Months): Once the transplanted hair has fully grown and matured, you'll likely have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon to assess the results and address any concerns. At this point, you can enjoy the long-term benefits of a fuller, natural-looking crown area.

It's important to remember that individual experiences may vary, and some patients may require additional touch-up sessions or treatments to achieve their desired results. Always consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon in Peshawar to discuss your specific needs and expectations.