Friday 28 October 2016

Why women notice male Pattern Very Late

It happens many times that a woman is suffering from androgenetic alopecia but she doesn’t know anything about it until it is too late. There are many reasons behind late diagnosis of Alopecia in women. Check some common reasons below.

Baldness is not for Women
Mostly, people think that a man can suffer from baldness problem and this problem is not for women. It is completely wrong perspective. Fact is that both men and women suffer from baldness but women baldness starts from hair thinning issue.

Hair loss is Temporary
When women start losing hair then they have a lot of reasons to justify this loss. Pregnancy, stress, chemical products, hair treatments, etc seems like the best reasons to keep yourself satisfied that you are suffering from a temporary hair loss. But there is a possibility that this loss is not temporary but progressive. So, it is always suggested to visit nearest Female Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai and plan a scalp examination session with an expert dermatologist. It is possible that you are suffering of some disease or simply androgenetic alopecia. So, what is important is a checkup.

Scalp Examination is not a Part of Physical examination
Women opt for regular check up time to time. But she never knew about female pattern baldness because her physician doesn’t perform proper scalp examination. It is perceived that baldness or bald patches are not among women’s problem.

It should not be like that, if you want to avoid permanent hair loss or pattern baldness then you should go for scalp examination especially. When you start seeing hair everywhere such as on comb, pillows, in washroom, bedroom and other places and with large numbers then you should immediately plan your medical checkup. You might need to go for a Hair Transplant in Dubai and this is only being clear through examination.

Sunday 23 October 2016

How to Deal Psychological Effects of Hair Loss

Women need to maintain their appearance and beauty level all the time. Hair is an important part of their overall appearance. When they lost their hair, then this loss leaves a significant impact on their way of living, attitude, interpersonal communication, especially their personality. A lot of women suffer from hair loss and undergo into a depression phase. They stay in this phase until they find the best solution. No matter they loss hair from their eyebrows or scalp, it has the same bad impact. It is always advisable to deal with the issue, don’t take problem too seriously. Every problem has a solution and if a woman is suffering from permanent hair loss then still she has a good chance of finding the best solution. This solution is available in the form of scalp hair and Eyebrow Hair Restoration in Dubai.

If you are noticing bald patches on your scalp then you don’t need to get panic. Instead, the best way to deal with this problem is to visit your nearest clinic and book an appointment with a dermatologist. Only an expert is able to tell you with surety whether you are suffering from a permanent or temporary hair loss. Medicines and lotions are prescribed for dealing with temporary hair loss. However, when loss is permanent, its solution is to use FDA approved medicines such as Propecia and Minoxidil. But when loss remains progressive due to female pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia, usually an expert physician suggests you a hair surgery.

Whenever woman hears about Hair Transplant in Dubai, they feel panic. They think that they are going to do an experiment. While it is not a case. You should try to handle your fear by looking at a lot of good examples where women restore their lost hair via surgery

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Appearance of Fullness depends on Hair Characteristics

The fullness appearance of scalp hair is indeed dependent on hair characteristics, no matter a person has been suffering from hair loss or not. Bulk hair or fullness scalp doesn't mean having "more" hair. For example, a fair skin person with straight hair usually appears to have sparser scalp look than a brown-skinned person with black hair. But when you compare number of blond hairs per square centimeter than that of black hair then you will surprised to see that black hair are less in numbers. So, what creates fullness impact? Well, it is another hair characteristic which is hair caliber. Black hair usually have thick caliber while blond hair has fine caliber. Therefore, black hair provides fullness impact as compared with blond hair.

Now when it comes to FUE or FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai, a hair specialist must have to consider all hair characteristics of a hair loss patient. If a person has black curly hair then a surgeon usually need less number of grafts to create fullness appearance in that patient. However, when a person has black straight hair, it means that more number of grafts is required for bulky hair appearance.

The color contrast between scalp color and hair color definitely plays an important role for fullness appearance. If a person has dark brown skin with brown hair color then this is a little contrast and it creates high density impact. But it is a not a case when a person has fair scalp skin with black hair. When a surgeon has to deal with high color contrasting between scalp and hair, then he always needed more number of hairs to create fullness impact and natural look. 

Friday 14 October 2016

What Benefits You Get From Facial Hair Surgery?

Your face is an important part of your overall appearance and persona. If something's not right on your face then you surely has to find a solution of this problem. There are many women who always complain about their eyebrows shape and size. It is a fact that thick and long eyebrows look very attractive and make a woman’s appearance very attractive. So, if you are a person who is facing eyebrow related problem and need a solution then it is always suggest considering Eyebrow Transplant in Dubai. This hair surgery is like a blessing for all those women who are not happy about their eyebrows and need a good change in their persona. They always think that if they have a chance to make their eyebrows right then they would love to take this chance. Interestingly, they have this chance in the form of an eyebrow surgery.

With the recent advancement in hair surgery field, it is quite easy for a hair specialist to offer hair restoration not only on eyebrows but also on mustache, beard, sideburns, etc. Facial Hair Transplant in Dubai is the most popular treatment. It helps those people who are feeling bad about their facial look and appearance only because they lost their hair or simply have some bald patches. Bald spots in beard and mustache are indeed negative element of your self-image. You have a chance to improve your appearance and image simply through considering mustache, sideburn and beard hair surgeries. Though these treatments are costly but benefits you get from this kind of treatments justify its cost in a right manner.

With the mean of facial hair surgery, you are able to restore your hair along with self-confidence and improved self-image.

Monday 10 October 2016

Why Men Lose Their Hair?

It is a common question asked by a normal person. Fact is that men lose more hair then women. Their pattern of hair loss is very clear. Mostly men lose hair from crown section and if they want to cover it then they need to plan a Crown Hair Transplant in Dubai. You might be wondering what causes this loss in men. So, it is time to get your answers.

The major cause of hair loss in men in Androgenetic alopecia. It is a genetic disorder which becomes the main reason behind permanent hair loss in men. However, it is need to understand that there is no specific baldness gene. There is some kind of disorder alopecia happens in men and it leads to complete or partial hair loss. Some men loss frontal hair line while others lose hair from crown. It should be noted that hair from back and sides of hair not lose in many men. Why is that? Actually, the hairs of these sites are strong and they show great resistance to androgenetic alopecia. In simple words, the effects of alopecia don’t work on them. Therefore, you see many men with sides and back hair. Hair of these areas known as donor hair for an FUE and FUT Hair Restoration in Dubai.

In some cases, androgenetic alopecia is not underlying cause. It happens especially when a person lose hair in his old age. Definitely age plays an important role in hair loss.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Don't Become a Victim of Miraculous Hair Loss Treatments

A person who experiences hair loss tries to cover this loss in every possible manner. As internet usage has been increasing, so people search for his problem and its treatments online. When he searches for the best hair loss treatments or quick treatments then he is able to find a list of websites that sell miraculous hair loss products such as creams, gels, medicines, lotions and many other things.

As the person wants to get rid of this hair loss problem as it is affecting his overall looks and appearance, therefore he takes interest in such products. There are many fakes companies online which try to take advantage from a person's problem and loss. They try to sell some miraculous products which never work at any level for someone. They share fake stories of people who experience the same problem and claim to enjoy some amazing benefits within weeks or so. There are many companies which claim that if a person uses their products then he never needs to plan a Hair Transplant in Dubai; even he is suffering from alopecia or genetic hair loss problem.

What you really need to do?
It is good to research about hair loss and its treatment online. But you need to be rational and very practical. Don't fall for claims. Read reviews about product and make sure that reviews come from a genuine and real person who definitely wants to share his social profile; just in case you want to do background check.

As hair loss is a medical situation then you should consult with hair loss specialist in FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai. This consultation will help you understand more about your problem and then to find out a solution which is simply the best for you.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Where from a Bald Patient get Donor Hair?

When a person has lost complete head of hair then a hair specialist have to consider Body Hair Transplant in Dubai. Reason is that donor hairs are not available on the scalp. There are many other sources of hair from nape of head to toe. Surgeon has to pick a source which is sufficient for creating grafts and also the best match for hair surgery. Some areas of body might be best match but they don’t offer sufficient donor hair. In order to cover bald head, a surgeon definitely needs a lot of grafts. 

Hair specialist separate body hair in two main categories: one category includes beard hair while other includes rest of body hair. Beard hair rarely go to resting phase while other parts of hair usually go to this phase. Beard hair grows as single hair units but sometimes they also grow in three hair group. It is good to know that beard hair grow at a very rapid rate. The length of this hair also grows long. Beard Hair Transplant in Dubai is quite common because they yield more than 60 percent. A hair specialist removes hair from beard and then transplants it on the scalp. So, patient of hair loss is in a position to enjoy rapid hair growth.

You can see hair on other parts of body but they are normally shorter in length when you compare them with beard hair. In addition, they grow at a slower rate than scalp hair. Somebody hairs are very shorter such as hair on tops of toes and eyebrows. Some hairs are very coarse while other is fine. You should note that even when a specialist use coarse hair as donor but when this hair grow on scalp then it will take characteristics of scalp hair with the passage of time.