Tuesday 7 March 2023

How Facial Hair Restoration Perform?

Facial hair restoration is a cosmetic procedure that involves the transplantation of hair to the beard, mustache, or sideburn areas to enhance the density and shape of the facial hair. In this blog post, we will discuss how facial hair restoration is performed.

The procedure for facial hair restoration is like that of a hair transplant procedure. The hair transplant surgeon in Islamabad first assesses the patient's facial hair pattern and discusses the desired outcome with the patient. The donor area for the hair transplant is typically the back of the scalp or the sides of the head, where hair is thick and dense.

facial hair transplant in Islamabad
The surgeon will then administer local anesthesia to the donor and recipient areas. The hair grafts are then extracted from the donor area using a technique called follicular unit extraction (FUE). In FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted using a small, circular tool called a punch. The extracted hair grafts are then sorted and prepared for transplantation.

The surgeon will then create tiny incisions in the recipient area, following the natural direction of the existing facial hair, to receive the hair grafts. The hair grafts are then transplanted into the incisions, and the surgeon carefully places them at the correct angle and depth to create a natural-looking appearance.

The number of grafts required for facial hair restoration can vary depending on the patient's desired outcome and the density of the existing facial hair. The procedure can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the number of grafts required.

After the procedure, the patient is given post-operative instructions, which typically include avoiding direct sunlight, not washing the face for a few days, and taking medication to reduce swelling and pain. The transplanted hair will fall out in the first few weeks, and new hair growth will begin in the following months. It can take up to a year to see the full results of the facial hair restoration.

In conclusion, facial hair restoration is performed through a hair transplant procedure using the FUE hair transplant technique in Peshawar. The procedure involves extracting hair grafts from the donor area and transplanting them into the recipient area. The results can take up to a year to fully develop, and patients should follow post-operative instructions carefully to ensure the best possible outcome.

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