Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Understanding of Hair Loss for Individual Patient is Vital

Hair loss is a common phenomenon in men and women. However, when you visit a clinic then a physician treats each person in a different manner. Same treatment for every kind of patient is not possible. He has to perform proper scalp examination and some tests (if needed) to determine root cause of hair loss. Over the years, research has been made about hair and scalp. A physician needs to have complete understanding about what causes scalp hair to grow and what cause scalp hair to lose.

As far as growth is concerned, a lot of information about its certain and common knowledge. However, causes of hair loss vary from one person to another. The cause of hair loss could be inherited, family history, trauma, injury, infection, accident, etc. It is not possible that every person experience loss due to same reasons. As reasons are varied, so a physician performs detailed examination of scalp at Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai. The main purpose of examination is to determine what causes your hair loss. Sometimes, a simple scalp examination is enough while scalp biopsy or some tests are suggested in other cases. Once the cause of hair loss is determined, it becomes easy for a physician to continue with the treatment.

It also possible that a person is not a right candidate for a surgery. It happens especially when a person faces some scalp or skin infection. Scalp or skin diseases need to be treated before making a plan of hair surgery. Once disease is gone then it becomes easy for a physician to start a surgery. It is quite important for a patient to share details of previous surgery and medical treatments with a surgeon. Surgeon may opt for either FUT or FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai.

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